Volunteering for the KBA

The volunteers of the KBA are dedicated to the efficient operation of the Kernstown Battlefield and the preservation and interpretation of its history.  They tell the stories of not only the Civil War battles that flowed across the land for four bloody years, but also the stories of the families who have lived here for nearly 300 years.

          Our volunteers open the park to visitors, staff the Visitor Center sales and information desk, and guide visitors as they tour the 1854 Pritchard House. They get to tell the stories of the Hoge, Pritchard, Burton, and Grim families who made their livings here. And they take visitors on battlefield tours, sharing the stories of the men, North and South, who fought and died here during the Civil War.

          Our Grounds and Maintenance volunteers work all year round on a variety of projects, including mowing and trimming; clearing brush; painting and repairing buildings and fences; and maintaining and improving artifacts and displays.

          KBA also needs volunteers to aid in fundraising and community outreach activities.  Interested individuals should contact the KBA at 540-450-7835 or volunteer@kernstownbattle.org.

Volunteer docent Steve Chesley takes a family on a battlefield tour aboard one of our golf carts. Steve is also a KBA board member.

The images above and to the right show visitors browsing in the Visitor Center/Museum. Volunteers 

In the Field Hospital exhibit inside the Pritchard House, volunteer docent Susi Weston explains to a group of visitors, not only what each item is, but how the various medical instruments were used by a Civil War surgeon. 

staff the center to answer questions and ring up gift shop sales. Volunteer training occurs each spring.